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Osa peninsula News.
Puerto Jiménez, Península de Osa




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The Corcovado Foundation efforts

The Corcovado Foundation is a non profit organization dedicated to the conservation of the natural resources in the Osa Peninsula, specially in government protected areas such as Corcovado and Piedras Blancas National Park, Golfo Dulce Forestry Reserve, Caño Island Biological Reserve and Golfito Wildlife Refuge.

A guide for the tourist -See some eco-tips>


Visit the Costa Rica Tourism Institute (ICT) official web site


The institutional vision is:

"To be the leading and rector institution for the country's tourism activity"


ICT's mission, according to the National Development Plan has been proposed in the following terms

Promote a wholesome tourism development, with the purpose of improving Costa Ricans' quality of life, by maintaining a balance between the economic and social boundaries, environmental protection, culture, and facilities.


The National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) of Costa Rica

Is aprivate research and biodiversity management center, established in 1989 to support efforts to gather knowledge on the country’s biological diversity and promote its sustainable use. INBio is a scientific and technological organization of recognized excellence and leadership that generates information and promotes initiatives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, incorporating these into the endeavors of society.


Weather in the Osa Peninsula:

Visit the National Meteorologist Institute (IMN in spanish)

Or look at the web sat photos from NOAA here.


Some studies and researches

Non-colonial coral macro-borers as indicators of coral reef status in the south Pacific of Costa Rica.

Fonseca E, A.C, Dean, H. K and Cortés, J . Rev. biol. trop, Mar 2006, vol.54, no.1, p.101-115. ISSN 0034-7744

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A new species of hognose pitviper, genus Porthidium, from the southwestern Pacific of Costa Rica (Serpentes: Viperidae)

Lamar, William W and Sasa, Mahmood. Rev. biol. trop, Sept 2003, vol.51, no.3-4, p.797-804. ISSN 0034-7744

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Bosque y población en la Península de Osa, Costa Rica

Rosero Bixby, Luis, Maldonado-Ulloa, Tirso and Bonilla-Carrión, Roger . Rev. biol. trop, Jun 2002, vol.50, no.2, p.585-598. ISSN 0034-7744

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Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica: Class Polychaeta (Annelida)

Dean, Harlan K. . Rev. biol. trop, Dec 2004, vol.52, suppl.2, p.131-181. ISSN 0034-7744

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Comportamiento de las masas de agua en el Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica durante El Niño (1997 - 1998).

Quesada-Alpízar, Marco A and Morales-Ramírez, Alvaro Rev. biol. trop, Dic 2004, vol.52, suppl.2, p.95-103. ISSN 0034-7744

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Circulación del Golfo Dulce: un fiordo tropical

OCEAN. GUILLERMO QUIRÓS, M.SC1. Instituto de Estudios Costeros y Humedales Universidad Madre Tierra, Heredia, Costa Rica

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